Our translator has gained prestige through a decade of experience translating a considerable number of cultural materials and exhibition texts at Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki. He has been the key founder, brain, and trainer of the highly acclaimed Mandarin Language Tours. His works of translation have been published on a variety of platforms including Auckland Art Gallery’s website, Metro magazine and New Zealand Chinese Herald. He has also been the sole interpreter of a list of conferences and events.
珠玑堂翻译工作室PEARL WHARE Translation Studio资深翻译官拥有丰富的经验,在奥克兰美术馆供职的十余年间,笔译过数量庞大的艺术材料以及展品介绍,更奠基及策划了奥克兰美术馆有口皆碑的中文导览服务。其翻译作品曾被新西兰Metro杂志,奥克兰美术馆官方网站及中文先驱报收录。曾承接一系列展览的独立翻译工作,并在众多场合担任中英文的专业口译。我们认真对待每一个翻译稿件和项目,您的翻译件都经过我们严格的检查和校对,高品质是我们的根本。
We provide premium quality two way translation services between English and Chinese on:
Academic Essays
CV and cover letters
PowerPoint and presentations
Books and Publications
Pamphlets, posters and flyers
Product labels
Exhibitions wall labels
Audio tours and virtual tours
Captions and localisations for videos, games and films
Websites, software and other media
Proofreading and polishing for raw translations
We provide premium quality two way interpretation services between English and Chinese for:
Cultural events and celebrations
Guided tours
Business meetings

Tabaimo (born 1975) Japan
The Obscuring Moon 2016
single-channel video installation with audio and custom pedestal 10:36 min
courtesy of James Cohan, New York and Gallery Koyanagi, Japan
Latticed partitions from Utagawa Hiroshige’s Moon-viewing Point, 1857 ominously slide open and shut, releasing mysterious beasts into the moonlit environment. The Obscuring Moon, 2016 was inspired by the Japanese collections at the Seattle Art Museum. Utilising the ancient concept of utsushi (paying homage to past masters through emulation) Tabaimo transposes Hiroshige’s Moon-viewing Point into an animated video format. Thought to depict one of the many brothels or inns in the settlement of Shinagawa, Hiroshige’s print is unsettling in what it leaves absent or unsaid.
束芋 (1975年生)日本 隐月 2016 多媒体,人造舞台,片长10分36秒 纽约 James Cohan画廊及日本小柳画廊共同拥有 葛饰北斋观月处(1857)画作中描绘的格子纸门时开时合,将神秘的异兽引入了月光荧荧的世界。隐月 2016 从美国西雅图美术馆的日本藏品中得到灵感,加入了对日本“笔意”传统的致敬(“笔意”即用新的方式模拟往昔大家的意境),束芋用动画的方式将北斋的名作演绎了出来。在描绘某间位于江户品川的风月场或客栈的表象之下,隐藏着对于留白与未知的不安感。
An empty straw mat (tatami) dominates the centre of the composition, while the room’s occupants, a geisha on the right and a courtesan on the left, are half-hidden from view. The Obscuring Moon re-imagines and expands upon the mysterious ambiguity suggested in the etched lines of the woodblock print and hint at a darker, more sinister narrative. 位于占据画面中央的榻榻米左右两侧的风月女子和艺妓,犹抱琵琶半遮面,让人不见全貌。这幅由木刻版画衍生而来的作品在原作的神秘与隐晦之上,更添加了暗黑和妖异的氛围。

teamLab (formed 2001)
Four Seasons, a 1000 Years, Terraced Rice Fields – Tashibunosho 2016
six-channel digital video
courtesy teamLab and Martin Browne
Workers sow rice crops, people celebrate the harvest, a crane soars through the sky, and day turns to night. Focusing on Kyushu Island’s famed rice fields of Tashibunosho – unchanged for over 1200 years – this digital artwork explores the links between people and nature, seasonal change and the passing of time. teamLab (2001年组建) 四季、千年、梯田 – 田染庄 2016 六屏幕多媒体 teamLab和Martin Browne 藏品
Synchronised with real-life seasons, weather and time in Tashibunosho, the artwork immerses you within its landscape, connecting you to distant geographic environments through a shared moment in time. In constant evolution, each moment in this artwork is unique and rendered in shifting abstract colours and shapes, so that the layered history of Tashibunosho unfolds for you in an ever-changing present. 和现实中田染庄的季节、天气、时间相呼应,这幅作品将观者带入了山水之中,让万里之外的人也能够天涯共此时。作品中的色调与风情时时变换,让人在多变的现实体验中拨开田染庄的层层历史。
teamLab (formed 2001)
Four Seasons, a 1000 Years, Terraced Rice Fields – Tashibunosho 2016
six-channel digital video
courtesy teamLab and Martin Browne
Workers sow rice crops, people celebrate the harvest, a crane soars through the sky, and day turns to night. Focusing on Kyushu Island’s famed rice fields of Tashibunosho – unchanged for over 1200 years – this digital artwork explores the links between people and nature, seasonal change and the passing of time. teamLab (2001年组建) 四季、千年、梯田 – 田染庄 2016 六屏幕多媒体 teamLab和Martin Browne 藏品
Synchronised with real-life seasons, weather and time in Tashibunosho, the artwork immerses you within its landscape, connecting you to distant geographic environments through a shared moment in time. In constant evolution, each moment in this artwork is unique and rendered in shifting abstract colours and shapes, so that the layered history of Tashibunosho unfolds for you in an ever-changing present. 和现实中田染庄的季节、天气、时间相呼应,这幅作品将观者带入了山水之中,让万里之外的人也能够天涯共此时。作品中的色调与风情时时变换,让人在多变的现实体验中拨开田染庄的层层历史。Tabaimo (born 1975) Japan
The Obscuring Moon 2016
single-channel video installation with audio and custom pedestal 10:36 min
courtesy of James Cohan, New York and Gallery Koyanagi, Japan
Latticed partitions from Utagawa Hiroshige’s Moon-viewing Point, 1857 ominously slide open and shut, releasing mysterious beasts into the moonlit environment. The Obscuring Moon, 2016 was inspired by the Japanese collections at the Seattle Art Museum. Utilising the ancient concept of utsushi (paying homage to past masters through emulation) Tabaimo transposes Hiroshige’s Moon-viewing Point into an animated video format. Thought to depict one of the many brothels or inns in the settlement of Shinagawa, Hiroshige’s print is unsettling in what it leaves absent or unsaid.
束芋 (1975年生)日本 隐月 2016 多媒体,人造舞台,片长10分36秒 纽约 James Cohan画廊及日本小柳画廊共同拥有 葛饰北斋观月处(1857)画作中描绘的格子纸门时开时合,将神秘的异兽引入了月光荧荧的世界。隐月 2016 从美国西雅图美术馆的日本藏品中得到灵感,加入了对日本“笔意”传统的致敬(“笔意”即用新的方式模拟往昔大家的意境),束芋用动画的方式将北斋的名作演绎了出来。在描绘某间位于江户品川的风月场或客栈的表象之下,隐藏着对于留白与未知的不安感。
An empty straw mat (tatami) dominates the centre of the composition, while the room’s occupants, a geisha on the right and a courtesan on the left, are half-hidden from view. The Obscuring Moon re-imagines and expands upon the mysterious ambiguity suggested in the etched lines of the woodblock print and hint at a darker, more sinister narrative. 位于占据画面中央的榻榻米左右两侧的风月女子和艺妓,犹抱琵琶半遮面,让人不见全貌。这幅由木刻版画衍生而来的作品在原作的神秘与隐晦之上,更添加了暗黑和妖异的氛围。
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